About Us

We are a molecular diagnostics company that utilizes centrifugal microfluidics as our core technology. We endeavor to serve the growing worldwide need for improved testing of genetic and infectious diseases, with emphasis on rapid point-of-care applications.

Team Members

Yuki Tang

Chief Executive Officer

Yuki Tang is a graduate of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Class of 2019) with a BSc in Biotechnology. She previously worked at Merck Sharpe & Dohme (Asia), helping to grow vaccine sales, and co-establishing a digital customer interface for physicians. She now manages operations and outreach at Quommni Technologies, relying on her acumen for market trends.

Gianmarco Suarez, PhD

Chief Technology Officer

Gianmarco Suarez graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2018 with a BSc in Biological Engineering and guaduated with a PhD in Chemistry at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2022. He has a decade of experience in biological work, including immunology and nematology, and now focuses on microfluidics prototyping and assay system development. He contributes his knowledge of a diverse array of fabrication methods and overall versatility.