We are currently developing our first collection of products: the D-Qube assay system and Galaxy Chip consumables. The D-Qube is a self-contained machine which processes and collects data from the Galaxy Chips. The D-Qube first spins a microfluidic Galaxy Chip at predefined frequencies to move fluids to the individual reaction chambers. It then incubates the processed chip and collects data as on-chip LAMP and RT-LAMP reactions take place. After approximately 45 minutes, the D-Qube makes diagnoses based on data from the chip and generates a report for the user which can be viewed both on the machine and externally (i.e., on a computer)

The Galaxy Chips themselves are designed to test for multiple infectious illnesses using differing sets of reagents that are physically separated in their own reaction chambers. By monitoring each chamber, a different disease can be tested for. We are currently working on diagnostic panels which address respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19 and influenza and sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia.

As we develop these products, a key priority is to make them as convenient to use as possible. We previously unveiled a user experience prototype which captures the intended look and feel of the final product. We have built upon this first prototype to make functional versions which we are currently improving further. We expect to present a fully integrated minimum viable product in the near future, based on improved assay system and consumables prototypes.


• D-Qube is conveniently sized at 10 cm per side, meaning it takes up minimal space and is easy to move and store

• Features an LED interface and SD card slot for exporting data, and powered by 6V wall adaptor

• Galaxy Chips are only 35 mm wide and can perform 15 reactions simultaneously, enabling testing of up to thirteen diseases at once

• D-Qube and Galaxy Chips are economically priced, with intended retail prices of USD 100 and USD 15, respectively